Hi, folks. It's that time of year when we start trying to recruit new talent to serve on the board of directors for the Central Oregon Disc Golf Club. We are losing at least two board members soon, and will need to fill those spots to keep things running smoothly.
If you're interested in serving your local disc golf community in a leadership capacity, please send a "letter of intent" to centraloregondiscgolf@gmail.com. Simply tell us a bit about yourself, why you'd like to serve, and what you think you could bring to the table. We aren't looking for anything specific — just a passion to grow the game and sustain our local community.
We have board meetings on the first Thursday of every month at Bevel Craft Brewing in Bend, and will be electing new members at our New Year Party at Bevel on Jan. 7. If you're interested, come to Bevel at noon and sit in on our board meeting. You can give a quick pitch, then we'll hold elections at the end of the meeting. After that, we'll be hosting a party from 1 - 5 pm.
Hope to see you there.